This is the dress that makes people behave.


I smiled despite my New Yorker game face, and turned to acknowledge the pair of gentlemen suddenly following me.

YA MADE IT? WELL THAT'S BEEYOOTIFUL! Oh, beeyootiful! Wouldn'tcha liketa shoot it in front of our buliding? Come on, it's right here, hop up on there on that planter! Here, I'll do it for ya! HEY WHAT BUTTON DO I PUSH?!!!
Maybe it's something about the solid color, but this is the dress that makes people behave. And act wonderfully. Could it be that all this time, all I needed was a solid maxi dress to tame the beasts of New York? Right after meeting my artsy gentlemen (who did, indeed, take a picture of me in front of their artsy installation, and then led me back to their 4 building wide courtyard chock FULL of whimsical color, to take another--sadly, blurry--photo) wait, that was a really long parenthetical, lemme start again.

Right after meeting my artsy gentlemen, I walked through a throng of 50 teenagers covering the sidewalk, then a battalion of construction workers on break. Such exemplary behavior! Girls and boys stepped to the side! Hard hats gave nods of gentle appreciation! Only one whistle! On the way home, a man stopped me in the middle of the crosswalk to tell me how fabulous I looked!

I'm not saying this to toot-toot-hey-beep-beep my own horn, I'm saying this because YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT SOLID COLORS. I told Ruggy about the magical powers of this dress, and when he opened his mouth to say you should make another I literally cut him off by stomping my feet on the floor in resistance. Babe, he continued, you should make another in a print, I think the dramatic silhouette is what's hitting people.

By the way, this is Simplicity 8014, maxified. It almost looks like I need an FBA in this, TO WHICH I LAUGH HEARTILY. I actually have a teeny safety pin above the super low neck snap, for audition purposes (you know, you like them to look at your face when you sing, and not necessarily your left boob when you turn to the side). But normally, I'd wear this indecently open. The pockets gave me a bit of grief-- way too small for my paws! I went back in after the whole shebang was finished, and sewed them in to the side seams at 5/8ths-- they were making a weird curve at the hip with the suggested 3/8ths.
I also took the back in a bit, adding a center pleat on the back bodice.I had a little instagram vote on sleeves, and once again went with the advice of my own personal Tim Gunn, who weighed in on the opinion of the Cut In Sleeves party. They say it'll be too Rambo.
He raised an eyebrow. And that's a bad thing because....?
(Rambo at the ready, in front of the art installation! Perhaps when I make one in a print, I'll head back to the courtyard for a shoot...)
I do think I'll be making another. I feel elegant walking around in this! Do you have an ensemble that makes people behave differently than you'd expect?