bangles!! i love them so!! and i had to leave so many of them behind in new york! most of my bracelets are of the thick and chunky tree trunk variety, not travel friendly when you're trying to stay under the weight limit and still get half your home across the country. as i stitched up my version of an everyday dress, i pondered my choice of facing: this orange dye job from my self drafted dress. why did i choose to put it on the inside? what happened to my pattern matching penchant? was there not enough whiskey in my sunday coffee?
then... eureka! i could wear it on my wrist.
you will need:
medium to heavy weight fabric (i used quilting cotton)
medium to heavy weight interfacing (lies! i used light weight)
thread, scissors, ruler, marking pen
an irish coffee
first, decide on the circumference of your bangle-to-be. you could tie a string in a loop and practice getting it on and off, or loosely wrap fabric round your wrist, or have a nice long swig of that coffee and then dunk your hand in the mug and measure the circumference of that. (actually, that works.) remember, you don't want it too wide or it'll fall right off your mitts. add 3/8s inch for your seam allowance... my circle came out to 9 inches total, but i have gorilla hands.
(i guess you could also measure an existing bracelet and add 3/8s inch, but where is the fun in that.)
you can cut it to any width you like. for this tute, i just used my invisible ruler to measure out a perfect 9 x 2 inch rectangle. lay your fabric wrong side UP on your ironing board.
press & fold over one long end 1/4 inch. then eyeball fold the other long edge in and press, so that when you fold that 1/4 inch edge down, you will make...
an envelope! give it a good press job. this is the final width of your bracelet.
now lay that pressed strip down on your interfacing. cut 2 strips of interfacing to match this width & length.
now take your second piece of interfacing and place it "glue side" UP, right on top of the strip you just pressed.
fold those long edges back up to make your envelope, and give it a good steam press to seal it up. this is the inside of your bracelet.
at this point, the envelope is not completely sealed. the little 1/4 fold nicely hides any raw edges, but it isn't fully touched by the interfacing. head on over to Ye Olde Sewing Machine and sew, inside up, along that folded edge to close it. yes, that's magic tape on my 221 featherweight. WHAT. izzie is a bit of a punk, she can take it.
you may now have another swig of spiked coffee. what, you drank it all already?! GOOD GIRL. go pour yourself some more, i'll wait.
turn that jammy right side up and go to town with some topstitching. i just went with straight lines back and forth but it's all up to you and your level of inebriation. the topstitching will help your finished bracelet keep its shape, but if you're going with a heavy weight fabric/interfacing, you may not need it.
we'll seal the deal with a little french seam action... right sides together, sew at 1/8 inch. then clip the corners at an angle.
turn it to wrong sides together, and sew at 1/4 of an inch. with the tip of your iron, give the seam a press to one side and topstitch it down.

here they are lounging by the fabric for my casual dress... you'll be seeing these lovers in action later this week as i document my me-made-may (my personal pledge coming up later today... i'm working out the kinks).
happy monday y'all!