i made my first etsy sale two days after opening shop, and i kind of can't believe i haven't shouted about it here in full-on oonaballoona-brat style until now. it was the day before thanksgiving, and the best kickoff to the holiday season i could ask for! bonus: the buyer was so freaking cool, i get happy every time i think of her prancing about in one of my belts. in fact, when things get crabby round here, they are easily fixed, as follows:
oona: feh.
r: you sold a belt.
oona: i DID. (oona grins and bounces around the living room).
pretty neat trick. so, in celebration of my first sale (and the grins), i'm offering free shipping & a big markdown on all roxietoxl gear! stop by the shop if you'd like, and grab some christmas gear...
so, as self-promotion has never really been my thing, i wanna give a shout out to a fellow etsy-er & blogger. i have been listening to this wonderful & uplifting EP by the incurable homebody's band, tomes. it arrived in a beautiful handmade pouch that i adore just as much as the sparkling music. you know that kind of music that spirals upwards and makes you smile? this is that music. and you can get it for free (though a little dinero will get you the pouch, at their etsy shop). i think it would make a very cool stocking stuffer.

(artwork by jed mcgowan of tomes)