According to my neglected blog, this dress has been in progress since May of 2018. Which is not to say it's been under the knife for ten months. The bodice, OOP Vogue 1806, was completed up to a point and then left to languish for nine or so while it waited for its other half to come into the stash.

This is the pile of fancy options I kept going, but nothing worked until I paired remnants of two fabrics, from our latest bluprint shoots. You KNOW I can't leave a remnant behind! Someone literally has to pry a scrap out of my hands and save me from myself when I'm packing up at the end of the day. That someone is usually *not* Rob. Though he knows when to tell me to put the scissors down, I don't think he'd ever take an inch of fabric out of my possession. Unless he's replacing it with a cocktail. #mightygoodman

Sewing on a whim (which is how I do most of my sewing) means surprises--which I like, because it means I have to solve a problem. Going off-pattern for the skirt makes it springy, but surprise, now that I've found the mate for the fuller shape, I gotta figure out what to do about that join between skirt and bodice. The 3D embroidered fabric would've looked great with a cascade of guipure flowers flowing across the seam, but, they're already severed. I'm thinking about appliqueing guipure flowers...maybe just the royal blue ones? Or go obsessive, and match the flowers exactly, as if I'd thought ahead in the first place? I do love a good obsession. Then 3D pink flowers trailing up? OOOO MAYBE BEADING...
And then I'm thinking this dress might be languishing another ten months. WE SHALL SEE. What's the longest sew you've ever worked on (excluding the WIPs we all have in a bag somewhere...)?