we began the day as any good day should begin, with carafes of sangria and festive flowers to frolick with.
el centro played host to lunch, and they were fabulous (picture by our man jonathan, standing on top of table). from bottom left corner to bottom right, we have:
daughter fish,
mena, moi,
lisette, and
nettie. it was a school day, so many rsvps sadly did get tied up at work... don't worry, we drank extra sangria for you!
the extremely confusing sew weekly theme (MY BAD) lead to floral frocks and technicolor hues.
oh so much pattern. i was in heaven. i wanted to put these gals in my bag. the details on the neckline of cindy's dress! miss fish's silk poppies! mena's... erm...
que beautiful, no? like they have their own inner miniature sun.
we snagged
marina on the tail end of lunch, and per lisette's idea, we had a pattern swap, with the impromptu locale of worldwide plaza's cement park. marina was a BIG contributor.
puu joined in and brought a hefty bag of envelopes as well (her red cigarette pants were also an object of desire)...
(photo by debi-- her absolutely musical giggle lit up the day. girl, did you snag any? vintage goddess, i don't even KNOW!) i ran into an old friend and completely missed the swap... fitting, as i forgot and brought nothing to the party. yet i still managed to walk away with these beauties. BRAT.
(the notions are from SIL threads, another stop along the way. i was challenged several times for ODIs and was therefore forced to shop. some of the challenges are malicious. i'm not naming any names mena.)
bags bulging with pattern goodness, we then headed to
paron fabrics, my
favorite, where
peter joined up. i decided i should abstain from fabric purchases as i'd have my hands full co-hosting... and then bought 12 yards of fabric at the very first stop.
check out marina and nettie. put them together: effortless chic.
speaking of chic, at our second stop, chic fabrics, the sangria caught up. miss fish had to jet in order to Sew For Other Peeps (the horror). i discovered nettie and i have the same affinity for swearing (brilliant!). marina raised her eyebrows at several questionable fabrics. it quickly became clear we needed caffeine. my first clue was finding mena laying on the bolts of fabric in the back. i believe cindy saw her flailing, then spied the hidden alley of fabrics behind her, and made a beeline over her exhausted body. was that you, cindy? was i still drunk?
so, after a tete a tete with peter on the best place to go, we headed to dean and deluca's.
at this point, i had had enough of peter, and i told him so. i believe he's reaching for a sharp implement. (photo by marina. i should have taken peter down a dark alley where there would be no evidence.)
coffee refreshed, and mysteriously sans peter, we took to the streets again... THESE DRESSES. the straps on meg's dress are exactly what i wanted, and failed to produce, on my own dress. and do you mark debi and lisette in two of my all time favorite creations? do you know how hard it was to keep my jealous hands away? i think they did it on purpose to tempt me. pink and purple. and peacock. yes please. (photo by vicki, also in pink print... pillowcases. a perfect pendrell. preposterous. peruse the next pic.)
we came close to making good on
meg's bag's promise when the proprietress at 21 century fabrics decided to waffle on previously quoted prices. we won. as meg would say:
OMG. we are TOTALLY not j/k. (picture by debi. i had no idea this joint had a balcony.)
after 4 more stops (map
here) and 5 hours of shopping, several ladies went home happy... we saw lisette off at port authority with a bag bigger than she. thank god,
somebody had to beat me and my self imposed and very much broken No Frigging Fabric rule.
we ended the night at room service, where the waitress was hell bent on wasting as much prosecco as possible.
elisabeth and
sandy joined up, and we did our best to get them drunk. did we succeed? i don't know, elisabeth looks properly toasty in her self stitched goodness (doesn't it go so well with debi's?), but sandy's eyeing meg's fizzy drink. (pictures by marina. there
was another half to this table, including le photographer, cindy & mena, but did this co-host pull her camera out? no. i was too busy holding my drink. )
[edit: you gals will be interested to know, the bill was NOT short. my drunk ass dropped 25 bucks out of the loot and, after fisticuffs with meg over who would chip in more (she won, she has like two feet on me), sandy noticed the missing dough on the floor. i had to convince meg i wasn't trying to pull a fast one when i gave her back the extra chip in. of
course sewing peeps don't short. we do math all the

we parted ways on ninth avenue, the co-hosts headed to a top secret mission, and new found friends headed to more drinks.
the saddest thing in life is not
pear shaped hips. it is ending a meetup with these fantastic peeps and heading into a work filled weekend. but, after the plaster fiasco of saturday morning, i did manage to snag a little extra sunday morning pre-bus coffee time with the awesome sewing scientist...
note my heroin-chic undereyes. credit goes to plaster covered floors, baby shower and bridal party duties. credit for the pose goes to
tanit-isis, vicki decided it should be
in your honor. would that you were here...
would that alla y'all were here... next time!!!