I seem to really really really like to place flowers smack dab on my belly button, but you for damn sure can tell the fabric is on grain.

Hi Nettie and Charlotte! How cool is it to be able to wear two of my favorite ladies, created by more of my favorite ladies, bought with fabric found during meetups with MORE favorite ladies and won "competing" with MORE favorite ladies?!! I NEED A LIKE BUTTON FOR ALL OF THE LIKES!!!

This was actually made over a month ago, so I can't speak too thoughtfully about construction. I like to immediately create space in my brain for new information. But let me try and dig into the corners of my mind...

I can tell you that these are some of the prettiest insides I've got in my closet. The lining is a stretch-ish poly that feels like spun sugar. Butter would be more appropriate, but it's nice to have a balanced diet.

And a balanced waistline. The eight darts in this skirt fill my dietary needs whilst allowing me to, erm, fill all my dietary needs. She's been worn out to brunch with kalkatroonaans (always a bender) and three jazz concerts avec burgers and fries.

I went sleeveless with my Nettie-- this was an attempt at some adjustments for my wider shoulders. Since then I've achieved a better fit in the land of no-shoulder-pads-needed, but she covers south of the equator right out of the package, even when doing grand pliés in ballet.
And she plié-s ever so nicely with a pencil skirt, no sneaky diva coming undone here.
Speaking of coming undone, as this ensemble was made pre-pfaff, I haz no buttonhole. But I DO haz a fabric pin Ruggy gave to me over ten birthdays ago, can you spot it in the flowerflage? I'm hesitant to add an actual button, I love the way this little treasure looks with it!

It's hard to blog about a make so far after the creating, isn't it? Part of the stalling for me is the inward groan I feel when I look at yet another set of pictures in The Alleyway. My part of manhattan does not lend itself to any semblance of privacy, especially during self directed weirdo photo shoots. Are you as tired of this alleyway as I am?
fabrics: denim 4 way stretch, janky store
floral cotton sateen, michael levine
pink poly lining, mood fabrics
a trifecta of terrific ladies made this post possible: the patterns were gifted by the respective femme designers, and the floral fabric is part of my prize from the ladies at Simple Simon, via Michael Levine. thanks gorgeous gang!!