
**CLOSED**please have your number two pencils ready. it's giveaway time.

when it comes down to it, i'm a straight A student. i might go about my homework using unorthodox methods, i might have a whiskey neat by my side, but really in the end i want a gold star. boxes of them. and smiley faces. and prizes.

every september, i look with longing at the rows of toys: pencils, notebooks, zipper cases, trapper keepers... i remember carefully laying out my mall bought outfit and accessories, gleefully anticipating the stares i would garner, packing my jansport backpack with an arsenal of college ruled notebooks and marvy pens. i don't envy the pre-teen set much, but i do get a serious desire to go all undercover drew barrymore when the leaves start to change.

that wistful feeling is happily eased by sewing. i can still be the overachieving geek of my teenage career, but better. sewing notions are like, come on, THE BEST SCHOOL SUPPLIES IN THE WORLD. never ending! and my carefully assembled ensemble is now the very product of my homework. for which i still yearn for a grade. AN EXCELLENT GRADE. teacher's pet, baby. sure, we put our stitches out there for advice and opinions, but nothing beats a gold star. or five of them...

you may have seen my smug mug gracing the front page of craftsy recently. i was honored when they asked me to kick off their new contest: submit a photo of yourself (or a lucky loved one) in something handmade, and you could be frontpage news. i humbly accepted. (read: inner oona sticks her tongue out at popular girl and jock boyfriend two rows over). but wait! didn't i mention some stars for teacher's pet? oh yes... since this is a contest, complete with prizes, they surprised me with five free craftsy classes!

inner oona did a little dance of gleeful abandon! classes!! i would need supplies!! silk thread... interfacing... closures... perhaps some horsehair...

catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, i stopped in shock. who IS this overachiever, i thought. when i started sewing, i wanted it fast and easy. like a trip to the mall. two yards of jersey, a straight stitch, ikea scissors and i'm in a dress. i suppose it was my smoking in the girls room phase (oh wait, that's vicki).

if i had to pinpoint my desire to go all AP honor roll, it would be the day i started gertie's bombshell course on craftsy. up there at the top of this yarn, that's me on craftsy, in my underlined, interlined, boned, basted and padded tiki tiki dress. i never had any inkling i could make something so involved, so fitted- and enjoy the hell out of the process- until i took that class. you can read my original love song to the whole shebang here. from that class forward, the skills i learned stepped everything up. yes, i still sneak a cigarette every now and then (if by cigarette you mean skipping a prewash of fashion fabric), and i do on occasion sip some alkie-hol (if by on occasion you mean on the hour), but now i get giddy at the thought of hong kong seams and bias cut.

you too? I KNOW! we should take a class together, we can TOTALLY sit next to each other and pass notes... what? you don't feel like dropping 40 bucks on a class? okay then. i feel you. howz about i give away 3 of my class slots to 3 of you lovely peeps? maybe you've been eyeing susan's chic couture class... christine's adorable librarian blouse... kenneth's genius jeanius, or gertie's growing collection? maybe you're a knitter? a quilter? they've got you covered there, too. hell, you can even learn how to decorate a cake with fondant. jump in, yo. just leave a comment telling me what class your heart desires (this doesn't have to be your final choice, i'm just nosy), and your name is in the hat! but wait... you get more entries, one apiece, to be exact, for: liking me on facebook, following me on pinterest, twitter (@oonaballoona), and here in the sidebar! why? BECAUSE I WANT TO BE THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL, THAT'S WHY.

that's five whole chances to win if you go hog wild. make it easy on a girl and let me know how many chances you've taken in one comment, won't you? gold stars if you do. and of course if you're already a follower at any of those options, you've got extra entries. because you're amazing and your taste level is beyond compare.

you'll need to sign up as a craftsy member if you win, which, wow, you should be already, i mean, everyone's doing it. since these are online classes, this is open to the world wide web. i'll announce the three winners monday september 17!

EDIT: closed!  i'll be back a bit later today to announce the winners... good luck!

Craftsy surprised me with five free classes. i'm happy to share and give three away!


  1. Definite gold star for you on the tiki tiki!! :)
    I'd love to enter this giveaway (2wice) -- I'd either take the couture dress class or Jean-ius. + congrats on your Craftsy spotlight!

  2. Seeing your gorgeous mug on on the font page is one of the many reasons that I love visiting Craftsy. I love taking craftsy courses and if I won I would definitely sign up for the kid romper and make my nieces some adorable garments!

  3. UMMM yes please put my name in the hat! Comment + following you on the sidebar = 2 entries. Craftsy has been calling my name for a while, I think I would go with Gertie's bombshell dress, or the sassy librarian blouse...but it's so hard to pick!

  4. You lucky lady! And speaking of lucky ladies, a friend of mine just moved to Denver to work for Craftsy. *sigh* Her life must be so glamorous. If I could take a class, it would have to be Gertie's bombshell dress. Gertie infected me with the sewing bug, so it only seems right. Oh, and also because the dress is awesome.

  5. I'm already enrolled in a bunch of Craftsy classes—I love them! Your dress looks fabulous. I think the class I need next is the sewing knit fabrics class.

  6. Love it! The fabric for your frock is fab. Love the tiki feel!
    I'd love to enter this givewaya (comment, twitter, facebook, sidebar)

  7. I already like you all over the places >.< does that still give me entries? RSS feed: check, facebook: check, pinterest: check (I don't have the tweets) ... oh, and comment: check! :D
    I've been eyeing the sassy librarian blouse for a while already, but also interested in the sewing with knits class.

  8. Please, please pick me, I really want to do the Jeans Class, I hate buying jeans when I can make everything else. I follow + commented + follow pinterest so 3 entries. Crossing my fingers now!!

  9. I can't make my mind up whether I want to try the jeans class or the Susan Khalje class. I follow with bloglovin' AND google+, I like you on FB, I'm following you on Twitter and on Pinterest.

  10. I love this blog...always makes me smile! :)

  11. I'm enrolled in three of the four you are showing plus a few others, but LOVE them! Count me in four times please (already a blog follower, plus liked you on F and follow you on twitter and pinterest).

  12. One entry for me. I would take Gertie's bombshell dress class. Because I know that I have an inner bombshell just waiting to come out!

  13. I'm also a Craftsy addict! I'm still crossing my fingers that they pick my picture too :) I am so torn with what class I would get - I'm all about knitting at the moment so I would probably choose between the Celtic Cables, Wee-Ones Knit Toys or the Not-So-Itty-Bitty Giraffe :) But then it would be so cool to learn Shuttle Tatting. Rrrr... It's such a hard choice! I just need them all :)

  14. I'll like, totally sit next to you in class! I pass the best notes - being an artist & all, my notes always feature funny drawings of teachers & bitchy classmates lol

    I love Craftsy!! The Bombshell class was my first & I loved it! I am already signed up for Gertie's starlet jacket & Susan Khalje's couture dress, but I'd love a crack at that Kenneth King class!

    Of course I already follow your blog and on Facebook cause I'm an A student ;)

  15. OH I KNOW PICK ME PICK ME - I was the nerdy girl of the classroom, can you tell?!
    Craftsy, why, it has opened up a whole new world of nerdy for me. And just because I'm that-way-inclined, I'd totally jump in for a bit of Artisan Cheese Making. And if you ever come to NZ I'll gift you with cheeses and NZ wines too!
    And I follow you on pinterest, twitter, in le sidebar and on facebook. Sheesh, I sound like a stalker...

  16. I would love to take the Sassy Librarian course!! Or Gertie's bombsell course! I really want to make one with a full skirt!

  17. hello! omgosh i orginally thought I would love to do the couture dress class, as im currently am making my first wedding dress and just finished reading Susans Bridal Couture. Man I have NEVER enjoyed reading a book so much.
    However I just read your reveiw on Gerties class....and now im completly torn and you've almost convinced me to just go do one anyway!!! I have followed you on twitter and have not on facebook as I couldnt find you? :/? link me ^__^

    1. wow, epic final exam fail, i didn't include the social links! DUH! facebook et all included in the post now....

  18. two entries please (liked you on Facebook...sorry, still haven't mastered the other technologies!)...would love to take a class with Gertie as she gets such rave reviews. I'm a relative newbie and trying to teach myself about fit but a few lessons sure would help! Love your recent dresses...just gorgeous.

  19. I would so love to take Gertie's bombshell dress class!

  20. Wonderful that you're sharing the largesse!
    I've had my eye on Susan's Couture class for a while. That's the one I'll take.


  21. Ooo ooo! I want to go to class too! Susan Khalje's please. Extra credit entries for me :) I already follow you on my reader and Twitter.

  22. Oh heck yes!!! I've been debating about doing Gertie's bombshell dress course for a while now, so that would probably be first on my list. :-)

    I already follow your blog and your Pinterest, so I guess that's two entries, yes?

  23. Congrats on the exposure! Your bombshell is the only one that almost convinced me to take the class :) This is the first year september is not the beginning of a new school year for me. So to fill this gap I started following a pattern drawing course! I want to keep learning new things and getting better, and sewing is clearly an area where I have lots to improve. So I'd love to win a class! And I want to tackle jeans. I already follow you on facebook (lala lisa), twitter (@lisamakes), pinterest (honderdsokjes) and now also the sidebar. Phew! That's 5 entries. Tip for next time: make people leave a separate comment for every entry. Much easier counting :)

  24. Consider me entered thrice! I've already taken (and very much enjoyed and recommend) the Jeanius class, so if you please, I would love one of the others.

    x Ms. McCall

  25. Ok I have liked you on both Pinterest and Facebook, even left you a comment on how best to avoid hackers toboot - in response to your comment. I would, love, love the course on Sewing With Knits being a beginner and lacking confidence in the sewing stakes. This is very generous of you. Now am off to click my sparkling pink slippers, theres no place like craftsy, no place like craftsy, no place . . .

    1. Can't find my sparklies so am clicking my scruffy sneakers as I type. Wish me luck.

  26. I would love the Gertie Bombshell Class, can I? Can I?

    Also followed you on twitter and Pinterest!


  27. I'm a complete nerd and already follow you on facebook/twitter/inbox/pinterest. I'm just lurking... not stalking... I think...
    I would probably pick the Couture Dress class - because I confess I like a bit of nerdy hand stitching and my frocks would do with a tad of 'tartin' up!
    I might pick the bombshell class but I have not been blessed with many curves to bombshell... alas... but if they come up with a class for those with bony booty I might be in it!

  28. Thanks for sharing! I've already bought the Jean-ius class, and would be highly interested in the couture dress or bombshell classes, as both would take me waayyyy out of my comfort zone (I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal ... ).

  29. 3 entries for me, please -follow, like, sidebar- and out of these 4 classes, I would be interested in the couture dress with SK. Thanks.

  30. I have been promising myself the Couture Dress course when I finish my degree exams. As that's done on the 5th October, I'd be raring to go. Double over achieving!
    So I already have you in my Google Reader, I've liked you on Facebook and now follow you on Pinterest.
    Fingers crossed.

  31. Oh my gosh, what a great giveaway!
    I've been wanting to enroll in the Jean-ius class for quite a while now but somehow I never plucked up the courage to enter the classroom ..I think that has to change, right?? ;-)

  32. Congrats! You look great in that photo.

    I love Craftsy. I am taking the Cotoure dress class and I would love to take the Jean-ius class!

  33. sweet giveaway oona! comment and sidebar entries please. i'd take the jeanius class to make jeans that don't require a belt!

  34. oh Oona! I'll be your very very best friend if you pick me. Cherries on top. My heart would skip a beat if I had the chance to take The Couture Dress class. You know me and dresses... we're pals. I'm already a fan of yours on Facebook (because you are the coolest chick in school) and if I had Pinterest and Twitter, I would follow you too.

  35. Oh, this is just what I need as a supplement to my full-time college education (medicinal chemistry, with real-life classes, homework, lab exercises, school supplies and all!)

    My heart desires the "jean-ious" class quite a bit, I want it, I NEED it... you know, a college student needs her jeans!

  36. Oh, and I follow your blog already via blogger :)

  37. Oh Darling, you are already the most popular girl! (see only the most popular girls get people sucking up to them)

    I like you on FB, follow you here, follow you on Pinterest, and follow you on Twitter. That makes FIVE whole chances to get The Couture Dress course which I have been coveting for sometime now. It would be the perfect gift to myself when I reach my goal weight, no?

  38. Dude...you are already the most popular girl in school...can I be your friend? :) When did you get a facebook page? I'm your new friend there...and you know I already stalk you on your blog...so count me in for 2 entries! I think I'd probably sign up for Susan's class or Gertie's starlet suit (though I did see the jacket and skirt pattern in your new book....but the class is so much more!) Congrats on the homepage of craftsy!

  39. Woot! I'd love to take one of Gertie's classes. I already follow you here and I just popped over and liked your facebook page! (So that's three chances to pick me!) I don't have pinterest or twitter b/c I'm a nerd and we're behind the times like that.

  40. Ooh yes please! I would learn so much from Susan's couture dress class. I promise to pay attention and take notes. and this is my only way to get counted, so I'm making it count!

  41. Hey! I resent the implication that I ever smoked in the girls' room. (it was in my auntie's living room!) ;)

    I see yo' stuff on FB and Pintrest. Gimme Susan Khalje's couture class please. Because I would couture the shit out of a lined wool sheath dress that didn't flop open on the top like an empty sack while the skirt portion strained to contain my backside.

  42. OKAY FINE OONA. I will just follow your ass all over the interweb so I can enjoy your hilarious voice on the book of the face, and terest of the pin, and the ter of the twit. You really have a social networking racket going on lady.

    I've been might tempted by the Jeanius and Gertie class all year.... but I think if I had to choose (Sophie's Choice but like, waaaaay less sad) it would probably be the Bombshell Dress since I too am turning into a sewing keener and want to start working on my AP skillz..... And congrats on being the Craftsy Front Page Hero!

  43. The over achiever in me is dying to do the couture dress course. Glad to see I'm not the only one that channels the inner nerd into sewing.

  44. I love craftsy!! I would love to take the jeanius class or gertie's class!

  45. Wow, this is awesome!

    Facebook - check
    pintrest -- check
    google reader RSS -- check (instead of email... had this for ages!)

    3 entries for me!!!!! I'm excited to see what comes about on this. I think I'd go for the Jean-ius class, I need help figuring out how to make stuff fit.

  46. I'm working my way through Susan Khalje's class right now and love it. I think the next one on my list is Gertie's class, but that new sewing with knits class is looking good as well!

  47. Oh, pick me! I've always wanted to try the craftsy classes on sewing jeans, the coture dress, and of course the bombshell dress. Help me make people jealous with new gonzo couture skillz

  48. Well I've already got the classes and the fabrics for the Sassy Librarian and the Bombshell dress... I'm not ready to tackle jeans, but I think that I could learn lots from the couture dress class. I'll happily follow you on twitter (since i love your blog) but I'm not giving in to facebook or twitter.

  49. Ooo... either Jean-ius or the Perfect Bombshell Dress. Probably Jean-ius, because let's face it, I wear the hell out of my jeans and the occasions I have to wear bombshell dresses are quite limited.

  50. I would love to do the Sassy Librarian class!

    I liked you on FB, Pinterest, and subscribed to the blog. Thanks!!

  51. Hmmm, like all good schoolgirls I love to read, read, read--so the Sassy Librarian Blouse would be the one for me!

    Congratulations on the front page of Craftsy--you really rock that Bombshell dress!

  52. I've always been the geek of my class, so of course I have 5 entries. Oh yeah!

  53. Oh how fun!!
    I already follow your blog, FB and Pinterest. Just add you on twitter and G Friend.

    As for the class I would take... Sewing with Knits or a Crocheting course. I am already signed up for the Couture Dress class and Gertie's Starlet Jacket class.

  54. I have enrolled in a few classes but next on my want list is sewing texture and I already follow you on Pinterst and now I like you on FB:)

  55. One entry for the Sew Retro Perfect Bombshell Dress please.
    Btw, I love your blog and have followed it for years with a deep giddy joy. :-)

  56. Ooooo...I want to take the knit class where you learn how to sew five different knit patterns!

  57. And we are totally pinterest buddies!

  58. I would love to take the Sewing With Knits Class, already a big fan of Craftsy classes, so thanks of the giveaway!

    I made four attempts: Liked you on FB, Follow you on Pinterest, Signed up for your email and am leaving a comment :)

  59. An entry for commenting and one for following you on Pinterest, please!

    I have some AMAZING flares which are growing old, obviously no one's going to be selling fab flares during the skinny jean fad, so learning to copy them would be awesome. (Obviously Bombshell is tempting me too)

  60. Oh, wow Ms. Teacher's Pet! I didn't even see you on the Craftsy page, but it's a great pic, and I'm loving this give away. I just followed you on the sidebar, but I already follow you on Pinterest, Twitterfest, and I think Facebook (must check on that). I already signed up for the couture class and the jean-ius class. We should sit together for those!:)

  61. Yes please! I already follow you on pinterest, and liked on fb.

  62. I've been eyeing some of the craftsy courses, but I just haven't done it yet. I would love the couture dress, but also the librarian top - it's so difficult to choose right now! Two entries for me: for commenting and for following via GFC.

  63. One Sassy Librarian in need of blouse over here! I'd totally pass notes to you in class.

    Comment+follower for some time now+Pinterest+Facebook = 4 entries for me, hope one of them's lucky.

  64. Well, I'm already enrolled in the Sassy Librarian (I'll admit, I was kind of inspired by you when I bought my fabrics for it, because I really wanted to mix some fun prints like you do!) and I just finished the Jean-ius class. So I'm going to vote for the Couture Dress, since that will be the most useful for me out here in wedding la-la-land!

    Now off to go like you in all the places.

  65. I'm totally inspired by your Bombshell dress and am so eager to try Gertie's :) I'm following you here, Pinterest, and Twitter = 4 entries yay!

  66. Ohhh - how EXCITING!!! I was actually just looking at the Craftsy "Sewing with Knits" class and was debating about the $40 investment. Regardless if I win or not, I will likely take the class, but winning would be FANTASTIC!!

    Please put my name in the draw twice (FB and Blog comment :))

  67. I would sign up for the Starlet Jacket class. So, 4 entries for me, FB, twitter, already following the blog (I'm not on pinterest!) *sigh* someday I will actually win a blog giveaway, someday...

  68. I didn't realize how drab and colorless existence is without a knit Giraffe in my life until I clicked on that class. Now it's pompom mane is all I can think about. LOL. Count me in x 4. Nerds rule!

  69. Oooooh, oooooh, ohhhh, pick me, pick me! I want to take a course on fitting dress bodices so badly! I followed you on your blog, on pinterest, on twitter, and liked you on facebook. And I'm commenting!

    Did I mention I want you to pick me???

  70. I'd love to enter the giveaway for 4 (here, twitter, pinterest and already following the blog). If I won I'd definably pick the couture dress class and also drink a large dram to celebrate (an if i don't I'll have on to console myself with).

  71. My little secret? I adore sewing blogs, but I do not actually sew! Needlepoint is my art of choice. It's looking a lot like Christmas when it comes to projects here at my house!

    Two entries for me (comment & already a twitter follower — everything else overwhelms me, so I do not even have a FB page). And I would actually love to take a fondant class on craftsy. I am that girl!

  72. I liked you on FB and follow you on Pinterest. I've been going through your pins all morning and love your boards! I really like the smocked dress and the beaded smocking you have pinned on 'sew this' and 'learn this'. I've been wanting to try smocking but it's hard to find adult garments with smocking that aren't too cutesy. To answer the original question, though, I'd love to take either the Jean-ius course or the Couture Dress course. I don't tweet but I already follow your blog so I guess that's 4 entries altogether. Thanks for sharing the Craftsy love!

  73. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh...is all of them an answer? I guess if I have to pick, it would be the Jean-ius, because that's what I really wear most of the time and I can NEVER find ones that fit off the rack.

  74. I was the girl who knew all the answers in class, only I would never volunteer because I was too busy reading a book under the desk...so with that kind of record, you can bet I would simultaneously ace and space out during the Jeanius class! And I like you (in life and on FB) and follow your pins and blog and God save me if I ever get onto twitter. So that's only four entries :(

  75. I want the bombshell dress class because I AM A BOMBSHELL and would love to sit next to you in class and pass notes (but you can't touch my bourbon!)
    This is so generous of you. you are the most awesome person I've ever met (aside from the h&m cashier that gave me 5$ off a 10 $ pair of shoes today even though he wasn't supposed to. I'm sorry the only thing I like more than sewing is shoes)
    I shall proceed to follow you in all forms of media because I am set on winning this giveaway.

  76. Bombshell? That's me in my dreams, but Susan Khalje's class is really haunting me. I'ma try for 5, tho' i'm not hugely tech savvy. :o)

  77. I *love* Craftsy. I think the next class I want to take is on drop spindle spinning! :)

  78. I don't really know what class I'd take, already paid for couture dress, jeanius, sewing with knits, sewing studio, a photo class and 3 free ones!!! I'm a craftsy junkie. I just bought Gretchen's book so it would be a toss up between that, the librarian blouse or jewelry workshop.

  79. Wow, you really do crave those gold stars! I just looked at some of your pinterest boards and liked you on Facebook. I totally know what you mean about school supplies. I'm 58 years old and a friend had to drag me out of the school supply aisle at Target, there were COLORED PENCILS, and FOLDERS WITH PUPPIES, and AN EEYORE BACKPACK!!!! Not sure what class I'd take....maybe cake decorating and learn how to use fondant and make those neat-looking flowers.....

  80. Love Craftsy! Im already taken the free classes and enrolled in one of the cake classes and plan on taking the the rest soon.
    Already a fan on FB,follow your blog buy dont do twitter, Thanks for the giveaway! bydubois10@yahoo.com

  81. I would like to take the bombshell dress class because it is time to step up my sewing game. I've taken 2 chances!

  82. Ooh, all so delicious. I hope I win. Here's holding thumbs. Which yummy course to choose? Maybe the sewing knits, or the couture dress, or even your gorgeous retro dress for my gorgeous daughter.
    So far I have... commented, started following your delightful blog, liked you on FB, liked Craftsy on FB, and shared this on FB... I don't pin or I might get sucked in to my Mac and disappear forever, nor do I tweet, or I would have.

  83. Oh this is awesome. I've been eyeing Gertie's class for months, I was just never quite ready to pull the trigger.

  84. My heart desires the Bombshell Dress class!! Thanks for the oonaballoona opportunity to win this class!!! Speaking of class, You Got It Baby!!!!! kweenbee_612@yahoo.com

  85. Ok all 5 chances taken! You are my first follow on pinterest, but was already a Craftsy member and follow you on Facebook and twitter, along with your blog here. My Firefox doesn't play nice with Craftsy so they suggested Chrome browser for the courses I've purchased (Gretchen's 2 and Kenneth's Jean-ius). I also bought both their books too!
    I lusted after Susan's Couture Dress lesson but held back until after I get through the 3 I have already, so that one is next (and hopefully I'll win it!) I love your blog too (great dress btw!) --Deb

  86. I would be interested in the couture dress. I hear the teacher calling my name :)

  87. Oooh, I would love an entry please!!! Although it would take me an age to work out which class I wanted!!! Probably the bombshell class.

    You look awesome in your pic! Your dress rocks !!! X

  88. Hi Oona! I'm already a follower of your blog, and now on twitter too!
    I'm kind of torn between Carol Feller's courses and the lace design course on Craftsy. I'm already signed up for most of the garment sewing courses! :D Congrats on your feature!

  89. Your blog made me chuckle.... would love to add another craftsy class to my list! especially for FREE ~ My favorite ones are quilting

  90. Ooooh, I'd love to add another craftsy class to my list. :) These online classes are awesome! This time I think I'd go for the bombshell dress...but it's always hard to decide...maybe another knitting class...
    You look awesome in that dress! Makes me want to learn how to sew. :)

  91. Love the dress, I would love to take a class, but not sure which one i would choose!

  92. Everyone's done it and now I want my own! Gertie's bombshell dress is just what I need for summer (coming soon to Australia!). I've also liked you on facebook and I can't wait to see those updates :)

  93. I , too, love back to school. School supplies are like my version of crack (read- I'm a super nerd). And I have been dying to take a class on craftsy, because now that I'm all grown up, I'm still itching to go to class. So right now, I'm like transported back to grade school sitting in the front of the class waving my hand in the air saying pick me pick me!

    If I could I would do all of the classes. I *want* to do Susan Khalje or Gertie's class, but my wardrobe needs more office cake, so I've told myself I *need* to do the librarian blouse class first. In any case, I'm really really super excited about this giveaway.

    Here are my entries:

    1. My comment
    2. I liked you on facebook
    3. I follow you on twitter
    4. I follow on pinterest

    I also follow on google reader, but I dont know if that counts.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    1. one hand waver to another, i must applaud your detailed and outlined entry.

  94. I just woke up this morning thinking that the worst thing about my between jobs state is not being able to take Meg McElwee's Sewing with Knits craftsy course. Oona to the rescue! Now lets talk about that long distance personal assistant/enthusiastic fan you've been looking for...

  95. I have already taken a few quilty classes at Craftsy, so how about Artisan Bread Making??? That sounds like fun to me!
    I have liked you on facebook!
    I am following some of your boards on Pinterest!

  96. I've been eyeing both the Sassy Librarian Blouse (ooo yeah sassy) and the Couture Dress class for quite some time now. Pick me pick me, please!

  97. I have always wanted to take a Craftsy class! I do not know which one I would take, but it would definitely be for making clothes. I have been trying to learn more about making clothes( I am a quilter). I have twin daughters who just turned 3, and would look adorable in some cute custom dresses. Plus me..to be able to make my dream sun dress. I loved your blog and have already liked you on facebook, and pinterest. and will also follow you here on blogger. Looking forward to reading more.

  98. Congrats--it's a great photo! Please throw my name in the hat!

  99. Wow, you made a beautiful dress!!, I love dresses, so if I could I'd like the Couture dress or the Sew retro class.

  100. Look out nerds, I'm coming back to school and I'm about to stuff you into your lockers! Sign me up, please!

  101. Ooh, I would *love* to take the Jean-ius class! 3 entries for me (comment, RSS follow, Pinterest follow).

  102. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to try the Sewing With Knits class. I'm following you on the sidebar, Pinterest and Twitter. Fingers crossed!

  103. completely cool to share the hews, the more the merrier!

  104. I'd like to take the Machine Quilting class.

  105. Gah! I've already taken Gertie's class, but I swear, it is a total toss up between the other three. I've looked at each, but haven't been able to commit to one because the other two look equally awesome. Maybe in school, I was just the girl that wanted all the boys to want me? Couldn't break the other's hearts by choosing just one? Guilty.As.Charged.

  106. Would love to take Sewing with Knits, Stupendous Stitching, or Project Upcycle! Already a FB friend - love you!

  107. Meeee! Pick me! Put me down for 2 (pinterest + facebook) because I am a loving follower, but through bloglovin' instead of blogger. I'm already making the bombshell so you knooooow I want the sassy librarian! RL xx

  108. OOOHHHHHhhh WoW... a chance to win this fab prize, count me in! I would love to take the Jean-ius course. x

  109. Hello again... Liked your Facebook page. Fingers crossed!

  110. Hello again.... Following you on pintrest!!

  111. Fingers crossed as I type this:) I've always wanted to learn to weave...I can not sew as no machine...yet:)

  112. I am dying to take one of the spinning classes! I have liked you on fb and started following you on Pinterest.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. I would love to be taught how to not be afraid of knits with Meg McElwee's class Sewing With Knits. Thanks for your sunny inspiration! I love reading your blog :) Also, I have become an oona follower on your other social networking ventures and have taken a total of 5 chances.

  115. I have had my eye on Gerties bombshell dress class for a while now, but couture one looks interesting too. Would love to share a few drinks with you over them, though I suspect my results might be a bit messy ect after one too many *remembers back to the time I sewed both bodice and sleeves inside out*. Have liked/followed on Facebook, pinterest, twitter and in the sidebar thingie.

  116. OH HOLY SMOKES I'm in. I just spent like $300 on school supplies, though, so I'm not so fond of them as I would be otherwise. I could've spent that money on fabric. Or crafsty courses!

    I already liked you on Facebook way way back, though.

    I really miss getting grades sometimes, y'know...

  117. I'm in for two as I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader. Think I would take the Bombshell or Jean-ius class. But then there are some interesting knitting classes too . . . Thanks for the chance!

  118. Jeans! I want to learn how to make jeans! Because I'm scared of making them on my own...

  119. Great give away! Your bomb shell dress is the bomb! Makes me want to take that class!

  120. I would like to put my name in the hat - 3 times for comment, facebook and pinterest.
    I would like to take the couture dress challenge, I think I could learn a lot!

  121. Three entries for me (this comment, facebook, and pinterest) please! I've been thinking about taking the new Sewing with Knits class because I've got a lot of gorgeous knits in my stash that I want to be sure to handle correctly so I don't waste such awesome fabric. Gertie's class looks really fun but the dress looks like it's really more appropriate for women with curves and I'm built like a board.

    It's been a while since I bought school supplies but I agree, it's the most exciting time of the year for me (yes moreso than Christmas). I still love going to stationery and office supply stores but I can't really justify buying much of anything. I totally get what you're saying about gold stars too! When I first got out of school and had to learn to deal with Real Life, I was puzzled why I seemed to never remember to pay a bill on time when I was always very conscientious about school deadlines, and then I realized it was because nobody was giving me an A for paying bills. I guess you could think of your credit score as a grade but it's really not as satisfying as a report card.

    1. if they gave out gold stars for on time bill paying, just THINK where the economy would be...

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. I want to take them ALL, but I am lovvvvving that Sassy Librarian Blouse! A friend pointed me to this blog and so glad I found you! Definitely heading over to FB to like you there and everywhere else! Cheers!

  124. Thanks so much for the chance to win!! I'd love to take the Couture Dress class. I've been meaning to do some more sewing for myself.....this would definitely push me in that direction!

    I've followed you on Pinterest, FB & Twitter, too... (I'm tamdoll)

    Thanks again!

  125. Such a generous Oona! Thanks for sharing the love. I'm a follower on FB and Twitter too- although I'm kind of a loser at both and rarely show my face either place... I'm VERY busy and important, you see. ;)

  126. Also, I think Jeanius would be my jam. And I might have squealed a little when I read that you moved to Seattle. Welcome! We have coffee. I'll totally be watching the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the flesh! An Oona sighting! Now that would be epic.

  127. Following you here and on Pinterest, liked your Facebook.

    I love Gertie's Starlet suit! It's such a classic, lady-like style that should however be easy to translate to different styles, and it sounds like a project involving lots of tenchiques I'd love to learn.

  128. What a cool idea! How did I not know about Craftsy before? I am so so uncool. However, you know I've been following you on this here blog, pinterest, and facebook for quite some time. Winning a slot in a class would totally make this teacher's back to school even better!

  129. Ooh hello lovely! Would you believe I just signed up to Craftsy TODAY! Because my lovely Scooter bought me a quilting course for my birthday (and now I have to wait a whole two weeks until I am allowed to start it! Party pooper). Of course I have already checked out all the other possible things I could possibly learn in a possible course. Sigh. One needs more time.

  130. Ooh, I'm already on your stalker list cos I follow you on twitter and am an avid blog subscriber (why so late to comment - because I'm also rubbish at keeping up with my feed!).
    Course wise it depends - if I'm feeling selfless it'll be the veil course because I promised my baby sister I'd make her veil for her wedding next year... Or maybe something about babies and nursuries.
    If it was all for me me me, I think I'd go for the serger course or the sewing with knits one. Or maybe the jam one, I've always fancied a go at that, but hot boiling sugar?!
    So there we are... Craftsy is addictive!

  131. I'm a liker of you on pinterest and FB, but I'm no tweeter. Craftsy-wise...I've been looking at that Jean-ius class...and there are a few quilt classes that look pretty sweet...I've just not gotten my quiltmaking confidence up yet. ;)

  132. Sew Retro or Couture dress for sure! Fun!

  133. Oona! You have yet another pinterest that is dangerous for me to follow ( but I'ma girl who loves danger, so of course I did!) Put me in for three! ( facebook and blog following goodness!) I've been eyeballing the perfect bombshell dress class for a while, this would be an awesome excuse for me to take time out of working from home daily to sew!

  134. I need to take the Sewing Machine 911 class.

  135. I would love to sign up for the "Sewing with Knits" course. I've never sewn with a knit fabric but I'm sure after watching the videos for this course I'd feel a lot more confident.

  136. Thank you for showing me the Craftsy light. That site looks like so much fun! I'm already putting classes in my cart. I can't wait to learn more! And thank you so much for the comments on my little blog. I've been bragging to my boyfriend about it. LOL

    1. ha! back atcha, love your blog! still getting over booblovin...

  137. Ooo before I forget LOL I would love to take the Sewing with Knits class. My dream is to make wrap dresses in color and pattern available. It will be my lifelong uniform. I'm following you on the blog, FB and Pinterest. Thanks!

  138. please enter my name into the give away.i am interested in the retro dress class. i follow you on fb, seattle tripp sounded fun. i lived there for many years, but i prefer portland! and it doesnt rain as much.lol keep having fun, i know i will its cocktail time.....

  139. I would have to start with the Bombshell Dress class. And I followed you on pinterest, not just because of the contest, but because I didn't realize you were on pinterest and think you'd be fun to follow!


  140. I thought I'd entered - but I couldn't find my name. I'd love to take a knitting course. I have my yarn, needles, and a very complicated pattern book all ready. Just no skill. Yet... (amy.ahearta at gmail dot com, but you knew that!)

  141. I think I would have to pick the Jean-ius class since I've not yet made myself pants...

  142. I'm not entering (especially since the contest is closed!), I'm just giving you a compliment. :) Congrats on being on Craftsy's fron page - your dress looks fantastic!


i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!