
it's evolution baby

lately i've been looking at my "finished" stuff, and realizing it's not finished.  usually after i've taken pictures of it. this has happened before, and will happen again...

now i totally have to watch BSG for the third time through.

but now it's less about fixing things, and more about adding things.  the cylons, they have evolved from worker robots to intelligent beings!  (i don't know if that analogy fits.  cylons were humans first? or maybe the robots made the humans?  or some of them were ghosts.  yeah.  okay battle star.)  take for example my last MSN make: i need to fix the wrinkly back, but more than that, i want those aforementioned petals!  and my current offering, pictured above: yes, it is made of pleather and faux fur, but as i was editing the pictures i wanted MORE.  cuffs! rhinestone buttons!  black patent leather pumps!

(no carolyn, i have not acquired black shoes.  this cylon photoshopped her pumps.*)

so once again i say to you, if you'd like to see this dress in its current state of evolution, hop on over to mood.  i'll bring it round these parts once i have my way with it again.  i wonder, this repetitive behavior, does it have something to do specifically with MSN creations?  am i not thinking them through?  am i overthinking them? does dean stockwell have me in a regeneration tub?  am i just out of st germain?

i am out of st germain.  it's a problem.

*no fabric was harmed in the photoshopping of this post.


  1. First to comment - hooray! Maybe you're seeing the dress from a different light? When a painter is in the midst of creating, he perspective of his work is close up. He's in the midst of it all - he's in the thick of it. But when he steps away, he sees what he made entirely differently then when he was an eye, an ear, or a nose away. If that painter is like me, he or she wants to change and edit do that his painting is visually pleasing from the view most people will see it - afar.

    1. that is a VERY good point. i guess in the past, when i stepped away i was just so thankful it didn't fall apart. maybe now i can see more now that that fear is (mostly) gone...

  2. Ha! Will is trying to get me to watch BSG... I love your CGI pumps! You are so ready to go to a holiday party in this get up, someone get this lady some St. Germain and black pumps! I do agree with Maddy, I think a dress could look so different in pictures than in RL that is what is so nice about documenting and sharing.

  3. You little sneak! Here I was wondering were you managed to find the perfect shoes and you photoshopped them? What else have you photoshopped?

    1. entire HOUSES, my friend!!! seriously! i have never, however, 'shopped a garment. :)

      but now i'm wondering if the little shoe shop in ruggy's hometown can make those puppies black. i kinda love them in black.

  4. I always feel like I need to "finish" stuff after I've called myself done with it...matter of fact, I just wore a dress today that felt like it needed something......and photoshopped shoes Oona?...I didn't know it was possible! LOL ;)

  5. Now, to me that looks finished, but it's really about you and how *you* feel about it. Also, your gams look great in this photo! yes, I said gams, because I'm a detective from the 40's.

  6. That fabric is AMAZING! Zowie! I don't think you can make them into proper black patent, but you can always spray paint them with a gloss black and it should be comparable. That's the cheater-cheap-theatre way at least.And when we have to do touch ups on black patent, we use black nail polish, but that would be a pain to paint the whole shoe that way.

  7. NO YOU DIDN'T PHOTOSHOP THE SHOES. I love it-- you've always got a trick up your sleeve, you! I almost always have a different opinion of the garment after I've edited the photos and want to go back and change the hem length or nip in the side seams or swap out the buttons. Do I actually do these things? About half the time. But I love the dress as is-- it's really, really cool!

    Also, if I have the BSG theme song (DINGADINGDINGDING, ADINGADINGDINGDING) in my head all day I'm blaming you!

  8. Sweetie, there's NEVER enough rhinestones! *LOL*

  9. I've been known to refinish a finished garment once or twice...as in I took the photos before actually hemmed the lining. Noone's gonna see that shit anyway, right?? As for adding things, I often find that taking pictures, and writing about the process and generally staring at a photo of my bad self for a while makes me notice things I want to change for next time...maybe there's something to the lighting on my roof? haha
    Hearing funny music coming out of the walls, btw? If you do you're totally a cylon. Just sayin. That's how you know...

    Out of St. Germain? Now that is a problem.

  10. St. Germain is my fav! Love the black and white.

  11. I enjoyed reading this post. funny. Cute dress and I couldn't tell the shoes were photo shopped.


i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!